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Vila Camelia - accommodation in Prahova Valley

Sinaia (Prahova) - Muntenia

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Vila Camelia - accommodation in  Prahova Valley (Surrounding)

Vila Camelia - accommodation in  Prahova Valley (Surrounding)

Peles Castle, former residence of the kings of Romania, is now an international museum. Over time, this became a royal residences as emblama of Sinaia.
It is also one of the most important historic edifices in Romania, with unique character and is, by its historical and artistic value, one of the most important monuments of this kind in Europe second half of the nineteenth century .

Sinaia Monastery.
Church large inflows Sinaia Monastery was built as a first, more modest than today, during the years 1842 - 1846 the abbot Josaphat and Paisius of funds monastery.
The abbot Nifon Smith (1888 - 1909), on the southern side of the enclosure, was added bell (1892), where it would be installed bell of 1,700 kg., Brought from Coltea Tower in Bucharest.
In 1895, celebrating the 200th anniversary of the dedication of small church (1695), the museum opened to the public, representing the first exhibition of objects of worship in Romania. Under the administration Eforiei Civil Hospital, the patron wealth monastery between 1897 - 1903 there were major restoration work, which gave the appearance of the church today.

(Translated with Google Translate)


Attractions and activities in the surrounding area:
  • Museums and galleries
  • Churches and monasteries
Sport and activities in the surrounding area:
  • Skiing (downhill)
  • Mountain bike