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Pensiune Bursucarie - accommodation in Moldova

Cuejdiu (Neamt) - Moldova
*** Pentru Revelion nu mai sunt locuri libere ***

Total reviews: 4 (Rating  5 of 5 )
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Bursucarie Guesthouse is located in Cuejdiu. To reach us are 25 km from Piatra Neamt, of which 7 km are unpaved (it is a well-maintained forest road by the Garcina Forest District).

It is completed in 2015 through a project on European funds, classified into 3 flowers, being built with natural materials so as to integrate as well as possible in the landscape.

On March 19, 2017, it was widely presented in the first part of the show "Ferma" on TVR 2.

The pension is located in an isolated area, where there is no internet connection and no TV.

We rent it only in full to a group of 10-12 people.

(Translated with Google Translate)


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Structure and accommodation

Type: Guest House, Farmhouse
Setting: Mountain
Accommodation: Bedroom, Entire facility
Type of accommodation:
  • Room only
beds: 10
Closed: Always Open
  • Pets allowed
  • Playground for children
  • Teambuilding activities
  • Credit cards welcome
  • Barbecue in the yard
  • Terrace

The pension has 5 rooms with 2 single beds, each room is equipped with bathroom. On the ground floor we have a common kitchen, equipped with all necessary food preparation that is accessible at any time. We also provide a living room for dining.

The pension has its own free parking, large yard, playground for children, barbecue.

(Translated with Google Translate)

How to reach us

How to reach us:

Address: 145 - 617202 Cuejdiu, Neamt

GPS Coordinates: Lat. 47.02643332 Lon. 26.19149213


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