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Pensiunea Belvedere - accommodation in Sibiu Surroundings

Selimbar (Sibiu) - Transylvania

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Pensiunea Belvedere - accommodation in  Sibiu Surroundings (Surrounding)

Pensiunea Belvedere - accommodation in  Sibiu Surroundings (Surrounding)

- Museum of icons on glass from Sibiel - these unique collection of over 700 icons
- Salgo city from Sibiel
- Sculpture camp "Glade Sun" from Saliste
- Village museums
- Saxon fortified churches
- Sibiu with the two museums Brukental and ASTRA
- Mountain resort Paltinis

Sibiu steam locomotive museum was opened in 1994 and features 35 steam locomotives, two steam cranes and two steam plows manufactured between 1885 to 1958 plants in Romania, Germany, Sweden, USA and Austria.

Like dormant volcanoes, generation of steam locomotives are slumbering in Sibiu depot yard and looked longingly at the new generation passing himself whistling.

"Old ladies", now retired, fully deserves its place in a museum and it would not be there if a handful of kind people would not have worked for us to enjoy what we see.

Paltinis favors downhill skiing and sports performance, preferably in white season for ski lovers are January and February.

Reserve Iezerele Cindrelului houses in the complex bearing the traces of glaciers copies of bison, grouse, deer, chamois bears.

The commune's territory River Mouth enjoy some existing lakes whose beauty and complement the economic importance of the settlement scenic spots.

Cindrel Natural Park is a complex area of flora, fauna, geomorphological and hydrographic including smooth peaks and glacial.

On the salt from Ocna Sibiu is a complex of 15 salt lakes with a salt concentration of 260 g / l Inside the baths in the Sibiu Ocna are three other lakes, Horia (40 m), Hen (15 m) and Crisan (70 m) extremely valuable in medical terms.

Lake Avram Iancu (132.5 m) is considered the deepest lake in the country ocna.
Also, Lake Brancoveanu (most salty lake resort) Ocna Lake Wilderness (antroposalted is the deepest lake in Romania - 160 m) and the Bottomless Lake (33 m) are declared monuments of nature.

(Translated with Google Translate)