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Casa Anca - accommodation in North Oltenia

Baia De Fier (Gorj) - Oltenia

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Casa Anca - accommodation in  North Oltenia (Surrounding)

Casa Anca - accommodation in  North Oltenia (Surrounding)

Cave Speleological with 4 levels karst natural monument (19 ha). Women's Cave is easily accessible, situated in the right side of yellow key. It has a total length of 3566 m, part of it is arranged and electrified in 1963. It entered the tourist circuit. Women's Cave is a natural monument in 1955.

Church "All Saints"
It's where great paintings are preserved fresco in the Byzantine style in 1753. The present church of Baia de Fier, a valuable monument of Orthodox worship, is in terms of specific Brancoveanu style architecture and painting of the eighteenth century. Located north of the village, valley Yellow River, facing the bed of his altar to the road that crosses the village from south to north to the keys limestone is abundantly century in which it was built, confirming center of the village existence after more than two centuries.

Yellow key
These are developed on a length of about 2 km, but not extremely narrow with steep walls at the base who have accumulated huge alignments of stones, placed in a large meadow area keys. The yellow key can practice climbing, canyoning.

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Attractions and activities in the surrounding area:
  • Nature Reserves
  • Churches and monasteries
Sport and activities in the surrounding area:
  • Hiking
  • Skiing (downhill)
  • Mountain bike