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Casa Sofia - accommodation in Vatra Dornei, Bucovina

Vatra Dornei (Suceava) - Bucovina

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Casa Sofia - accommodation in  Vatra Dornei, Bucovina (Surrounding)

Visiting Monasteries

Museums, Nature Reserves


Riding, trail rides, shi, sled, coils, ATVs, paintball, river rafting, claimbing, mountain biking, etc.

Beauty lands Bukovina was knighted by the monastic ensemble-and high silhouette praying as support for the Mother of God to shield them astearna and those living, those who halt or those who are mentioned in unceasing prayer and humble nuns.

Beautiful gorge in Gorge Zugreniului enhance the appeal of this location and will make you come back with pleasure every time you have way through the beautiful lands of Bucovina. For those who wish sensation exists Worcester ATV rental option - s. It is an exciting activity that requires a bit of courage and skills (driving license) people who sit on all 4 wheels.

(Translated with Google Translate)


Attractions and activities in the surrounding area:
  • Spa
  • Churches and monasteries
Sport and activities in the surrounding area:
  • Skiing (downhill)