Casa Tisaru

Address: Str. Sat Lepsa nr. fn - Lepsa, Vrancea

Telephone: +4.0723.262.109 +4.0723.007.401 +4.0237.266.887

GPS Coordinates: Lat. 45.9519 Lon. 26.5731

Fax: +4.0237.266.887

If you are in Bucharest, European route E85 go to Focsani (185 km). When you get in Focsani, go to the ring road roundabout at Carrefour, you turn left and go to Targu Secuiesc DN 2D. Distance from Focsani to Lepsa is 75 km. From Tulnici 10 km, passing through a small tunnel.

La1500 m from the tunnel on the left side of the road there is a bridge over water Putnei to be crossed.

After the bridge, follow signs to the left 800 m Tisaru House.

(Translated with Google Translate)