Pensiunea Delta Club

Address: Maliuc, jud. Tulcea - Maliuc, Tulcea


GPS Coordinates: Lat. 45.1769 Lon. 29.1103


You have several options:
- Ship passengers departing daily at 1.30 in Tulcea. Transfer price: 45 euro / person. Tarnsfer Duration: 1.5 hours
- By car Lots (town located halfway between Tulcea and Maliuc) and hence to be taken over by boat pension. Remain in parking cars. Transfer price: 150 lei / race. Duration: 20 min / race
- Fast boat from Tulcea. Transfer Price: 300-450 Euro / race. Capacity max.15 people. Transfer time: 45 min.
- Recreational boat from Tulcea. Transfer price: 450 lei. Capacity max.16 people. Transfer time: 1.5 hours

(Translated by Google Translate)